Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024: Getting a loan from an authentic organization is very important, but an authentic organization provides loans on a certain condition, they check all the history of the applicant to check the risk. Usually, only those people get loans from authentic organizations that have a good credit score, such as 700+. But what, if you don’t have a good CIBIL score? What will you do in that condition? The majority of people took the wrong step in this stage, they took loans from either a money lender or from any Chinese application and this caused them a huge financial loss and mental trauma. If you don’t have a good credit score and you need a loan, then this article is for you, in today’s article “Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024”, we will tell you how to take a loan from an authentic organization while having a poor credit score. So read this article “Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024” completely and carefully.
Hello friends, if you are planning to take a loan against a low credit score then this post can be useful for you. In this article, we will talk about how we can get an emergency loan even if the credit score is not good. Here you can get a Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024 ranging from ₹ 500000 to ₹ 10 lakh within 5 minutes. Sometimes that moment comes in life when we need a lot of money. We can face this situation. As you might have seen in your life, people want to earn money so that they can pay the tuition fees of their children, so in this situation, we can get easily a Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024 from authorized sites.
Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024 Overview
Topic of the article | Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024 |
Eligibility for the loan | Any person having citizenship of India |
Loan purpose | For any personal or professional requirement |
Types of post | Types of urgent loan |
Benefits of the loan | Loan amounts up to 5 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs rupees |
Mode of the loan process | Online (by using your smartphone) |
Interest rate on the Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024
If you are looking for a low CIBIL score loan, then you should always check its interest rate, because some of the personal loans have a huge interest rate. Here below we have given you the information on the interest rate of the Low CIBIL score loans.
- for instant loans on low credit scores, you will have to give a discount of 20 to 36 percent.
- Some of the low CIBIL score loan apps can ask for 10 thousand rupees file charges
- If you repay the loan late, you will also have to pay a penalty. And this penalty can be in a huge amount
- While applying for this loan you don’t need to give any kind of surety for this loan
- While applying for the loan you have to pay an 18% amount of GST (as it is mandatory by the government of India)
All the above-given points you should always remember while applying for the Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024.
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What are the advantages of Low CIBIL score loans?
Now, as we understand the interest rate, penalty, and other important points about the loan, we should look for the advantages of the low CIBIL score loan
- The biggest advantage of this Low Credit Score Loan 2024 is that you get the loan instantly, that too without any good CIBIL score.
- You can apply for this loan sitting at home, there is no need to go anywhere.
- You can get a loan up to Rs 10 lakh and you will be given 60 months to repay it.
- Its advantage is also that you will not have to work hard for this. You can save your time and energy.
- This loan is completely secured, which means you do not have to worry at all.
- If you keep paying EMIs on time, your credit score will also improve with time.
How to Take a Low Credit Score Personal Loan 2024?
You can get this loan by just sitting at your home. Yes, these loans are app-based, and don’t worry these apps are RBI-approved that is why you don’t need to worry a lot.
To get a loan from these applications, you have to download these apps from the Google Play Store. After downloading the app, you just have to register yourself in the application. once you register yourself now you have to look in the app for an instant loan option.
Once you get the option click on it, and one Loan application form will open on your mobile screen. Just fill out the complete application form upload all the relevant documents (as per the instruction of the app) and submit your form. Once the app authority verifies your documents, they will transfer the loan amount to your bank account
List of the low CIBIL Score Loan Apps 2024
Jio loan | Kreditzy Personal Loan App | Fibe instant loan |
Credit Mantri loan | AEON fast loan | True balance loan app |
Ring loan app | Insta money loan app | Free charge loan app |
Sanpmint loan | Paisabazaar loan app | Paytm Post paid loan |
Fatak pay loan | Hero FinCorp loan app | TATA Neu Credit Line |
In cred loan app | Paytm loan app | Mobikwik Zip Loan |
Amazone pay later | Paytm business loan | Bharatpe loan |
Flipkart pay later | Phonepe loan | Navi Loan App |
One Card Loan | Mannapuram Loan. | True Caller Loan |
Vyom By BOI App | Flex Pay Loan | Chola One Loan App |